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Dr Rowena Mobbs MBBS BMedSci(Hons1) PhD FRACP is Senior Lecturer, Department of Clinical Medicine at Macquarie University, subspecialist in cognitive neurology.


She is one of Australia's leading clinicians in concussion and dementia, and is highly committed to the integration of multidisciplinary chronic care and research translation within teaching and mentoring programs, based at Macquarie University. She is founder and director of the Australian CTE Biobank. She created an online education program called Concussion Big 5 for detecting the common neurological signs of concussion.


Dr Mobbs champions a patient-centred approach as well as community advocacy for those living with traumatic brain injury, and types of dementia, including Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE).


She sees patients with disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, Parkinson's disease, Lewy Body disease, and motor neurone disease, and the in-life equivalent to CTE, traumatic encephalopathy syndrome (TES).

Rowena is Principal Neurologist at  Harbour Neurology Group in North Sydney, leading a team of specialists for integrated neurological care.


Following her training at the Royal Adelaide Hospital she completed a Fellowship in cognitive and behavioural neurology, neurological sleep disorders, and movement disorders at the Brain and Mind Centre.


Dr Mobbs maintains a research interest into concussion and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, driven by a strong sporting experience having represented Australia in modern pentathlon and fencing, and state teams in hockey, triathlon and cross-country running. She completed a PhD on cell death in acute and chronic compressive myeloradiculopathy, and was twice awarded the Spine Society of Australia award for research.


Dr Mobbs' vision is for the expansion of collaborative and innovative neurological services in dementia, identified to be one of the National Health Priority Areas. 

Dr Rowena Mobbs

MBBS BMedSci(Hons) PhD FRACP (neurology)                                                     

Senior Lecturer | Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences | Macquarie University 

MQ Health Neurology Clinic

Level 2, 2 Technology Place

Macquarie University NSW 2109

(02) 9812 3720


Harbour Neurology Group

Suite 602, 53 Walker St

North Sydney 2060

p. (02) 9900 5500

f.  (02) 9900 5501

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